NZ conference attracts over 230 participants
The Radio Frequency Users Association of New Zealand 2013 Conference & Exhibition attracted participants from both sides of the Tasman. [ + ]
Responding intelligently to emergencies
Equipping emergency services with intelligence data gathered from the world around them is the way of the future. [ + ]
Power to the people
When Ergon Energy needed to upgrade its Queensland-wide communications network, it searched the world for the best solution - and found it right here in Australia. [ + ]
Spectrum review would be welcome: ARCIA
The Australian Radio Communications Industry Association says it would welcome a review of 803-960 MHz spectrum allocations. [ + ]
Aviation ELTs don’t always activate
Study shows aviation emergency locator transmitters work only 40 to 60% of the time. [ + ]
GPS provides 3-minute tsunami alerts
Using GPS to measure ground deformation can provide accurate warning of tsunamis just a few minutes after an earthquake. [ + ]
Making frequency-hopping radios practical
Hardware breakthrough could see wireless devices that identify and exploit unused frequencies. [ + ]
New arrangements for wireless microphones
Clearance of the digital dividend spectrum is required by 1 January 2015 and this includes wireless microphone users. [ + ]
Microbatteries a boost for electronics
High-energy, fast-charging batteries could revolutionise electronics and radio communications. [ + ]
Ultraprecise time signals via laser
The optical transfer of timing signals could aid satellite navigation, radar arrays and other applications. [ + ]
Antennaless RFID tags and ‘smart’ paper
New research will enable on-metal RFID tags to use the structure of the tagged object as the antenna. [ + ]
Studying disruption to satellite comms
A rocket that will launch high into the ionosphere will help scientists learn more about disruptions to satellite signals. [ + ]
NASA tests software-defined radio in orbit
SCaN test bed enables radio characteristics and functionality to be changed simply by altering the software. [ + ]
Water-based battery charger
A fuel cell-based charger that operates on water can be used to extend battery life. [ + ]
The role of comms in security and infrastructure
The USA’s Utilities Telecom Council says secure comms and networks are needed to ensure cyber and energy security. [ + ]