RFUANZ report: setting the frequency for success in 2025
Last year brought a lot of internal change for RFUANZ, with a new chairman, admin and events team, but we hit the ground running and are here to bring you a bigger, better 2025. So stay tuned in and join our mailing list for regular updates.
In November the committee attended our annual face-to-face planning day, allowing us to be more focused and collaborate on our key initiatives. RFUANZ has always been driven to protect, promote and preserve radio communications in New Zealand and with that in mind we’ve set a few main goals:
- Build and maintain Industry relationships ensuring a unified voice is heard when needed most (keep an eye on our current fees review submission to Radio Spectrum Management (RSM).
- Preserve the knowledge of the industry and help grow the next generation of skilled technicians through a recognised qualification and career pathway.
- Enhancing the value of our membership with new initiatives and outreach.
- Celebrate and support current industry personnel through industry awards and delivery of relevant content at our roadshows.
The annual Comms Connect conference and RFUANZ Industry Awards Dinner are a few short months away; these will be held again at the Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre on 4–5 June. Our Industry Awards Dinner is a highlight of the event, and we encourage you to think about nominating someone you know in the industry who is doing great things. More on the categories, how to complete a nomination and where to get your dinner ticket can be found at https://rfuanz.org.nz/awards/.
Most will be aware that RSM is consulting with industry for proposed changes to licence fees that come into effect from July 2026. RSM has indicated this change for a while now, and this was something we discussed at our meeting with them in late 2024. As you will read in their consultation document, historical surpluses have enabled RSM to keep fees at less than cost for the last eight years, but with the surplus depleted a review is required (see https://www.rsm.govt.nz/projects-and-auctions/consultations/fees-review-2025 for more information).
RFUANZ is carefully considering its response, and there is a survey link on our website where we are seeking your thoughts to help us craft our feedback. If there is anything additional you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to any of our committee.
To our members, partners and sponsors — you are the backbone of this association, and we owe you a big thank you for your undeniable support thus far. Let’s take it up a notch and work even closer in 2025! We look forward to seeing you all in Christchurch come June.
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