Satellite sector wants 'holistic' spectrum use

By Jonathan Nally
Monday, 21 May, 2018

Satellite sector wants 'holistic' spectrum use

Australia needs a more innovative and flexible spectrum regime to enable 5G mobile services and satellite-based services to coexist, according to the Communications Alliance.

In a paper released this week, the alliance’s Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG) calls on government, regulators, industry and other stakeholders to consider “the future of satellite services in today’s increasingly spectrum-scarce environment”.

According to the alliance, some satellite systems and operations facilities already are unable to effectively operate in this country due to the nature of Australia’s licensing conditions.

The SSWG represents 20 companies such as satellite operators, service providers and ground-segment specialists.

According to federal government figures, commercial space operations account for around 75% of Australia’s space market — worth almost $4 billion in 2015–16.

The SSWG paper examines efforts by the ITU and other regulatory authorities to enable terrestrial mobile and satellite services to share spectrum in certain bands, where technically feasible.

It contrasts this with the type of ‘single service’ licensing often used in Australia, which usually prohibits coexistence of other types of services.

According to the paper, some recent local spectrum decisions have disadvantaged the satellite sector.

The paper outlines recommendations for the ACMA in the 40–42 GHz, 48.2–50.2 GHz and 2 GHz bands and encourages it to take a “more holistic” approach to maximise the spectrum available for different classes of services.

It adds a proviso that the paper doesn’t claim to represent the views of every member of Communications Alliance, including those of Telstra as an SSWG member.

The SSWG members are: Australian Private Networks, Coutts Communications, Foxtel, FreeTV, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Ipstar, nbn, Omnispace, OneWeb, Optus, Orion Satellite Systems, Pivotel Satellite, SES, Skybridge, Space Systems/Loral, Speedcast, Step Electronics, Telstra and ViaSat.

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