Vertel & Kenwood take a walk in the sky
As the 25th tallest freestanding structure in the world, the Sydney Tower (also known as Centre Point Tower) stands as a testament to the Australian innovative spirit. Reaching for the sky, it measures in at the same height as the Eiffel Tower, but it is Australian accents, not French, that can be heard over the Kenwood TK3140 radios across the Vertel LTR trunked system at the unique and breath-taking tour, 260 metres above Sydney city streets.
The Vertel Centre Point communications room, housed just above the Skywalk catwalk is a modern marvel of wireless technology. Buzzing with activity for hundreds of customers, on both traditional radio networks and massive wireless broadband users, the floor to ceiling racks feature various bleeding edge equipment from Redline, Alvarion and Aperto, all running live tests for pre wi-max standards. Some of the gear is yet to be commercially released and a bit hush-hush, but Vertel is currently servicing some partners well over 28kms away from Centre Point with a 30MB link, and larger further reaching solutions awaiting deployment.
"The long-standing relationship between Vertel and Kenwood is well known, but there is no better illustration of the success of this partnership than the Sydney Tower Skywalk. The Skywalk team is operating across a service provided by Vertel and on hardware supplied by Kenwood, but that is all behind the scenes. What matters to the visitors, from across the country and around the world, is that they are able to see our city in ways never before imagined. They hear about our culture, history and future with crystal clarity and walk away with the knowledge that Sydney is a city with a exciting future and vibrant past," said Nick Lycett.
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