ACMA updates marine radio users on certificates, online training
The ACMA’s most recent marine radio update reports that the Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council (TLISC) has forwarded the Maritime Training Package (MAR) to the Department of Industry for final approval. The package includes a number of maritime radio qualifications, including the Australian Waters Qualification (AWQ), which TLISC hopes will be approved by the end of January 2015.
The ACMA says the MAR was sent directly to the department because the new national skills approval arrangements are proving a lengthy process to implement, and that it hopes the approval is imminent and that it looks forward to getting the AWQ operational by mid-2015.
The update says the AWQ online training package being developed by AMC Search is proving harder to complete than first envisaged. A draft of the package should be ready for trial by late January 2015, and hopefully the package can be completed before the AWQ becomes operational.
In other news, from 1 January 2015, the exam for the Marine VHF Radio Certificate of Proficiency (MROVCP) has reverted to ‘closed book’. The exam became an open book on 1 April 2013 on a trial basis to see if this would encourage more people to try for their MROVCP qualification and to make the process more accessible for recreational boaters. However, as the trial did not increase the take-up of MROVCP exams, and with the new VHF Marine Radio AWQ to be implemented during 2015, the ACMA has decided that the exam will revert to closed book.
The ACMA is inviting comments on a proposal to remake the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Maritime Ship Licence) Determination 2002, which will ‘sunset’ on 1 April 2015 unless it is revoked and remade before this date. The ACMA proposes to remake this determination without any significant change so that its ongoing effect is preserved.
The proposed changes generally relate to updating standards and specifications, and reflect changes made to the international maritime arrangements at recent ITU World Radio Conferences.
The ACMA’s consultation page has information needed to provide comments, with submissions due by 5 February 2015.
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