Backhaul — September 2019

Wednesday, 25 September, 2019

Backhaul — September 2019

25 YEARS AGO. The cover of the October/November 1994 issue of What’s New in Radio Communications featured the Philips digiText modem, designed to enable the user to transfer data over trunked over conventional private mobile radio systems, and especially designed to be used with the Philips PRM80-series radios. Inside the magazine we reported on the NSW Government hoping to save $40 million over five years through the use of a workflow management system devised by Xedoc Software Development under contract to Telecom, and based up on Motorola’s SmartZone technology. We also reported on an agreement on mobile radio services between Brisbane City Council, the Queensland Government, Q-Tel and Telstra that would enable state and local government agencies across Queensland to access Telstra’s mobile radiocommunications network, Fleetcoms. And in good news for CB users, the then Spectrum Management Agency scrapped licence fees for CB radios and handphones, replacing the $18-per-unit charge with a class licence that meant individual users were automatically covered and didn’t have to pay a cent.

10 YEARS AGO. The cover of the September/October 2009 issue of Radio Comms Asia–Pacific featured the Simoco SRP9180 portable, designed and developed in Australia. On the topic of Simoco, inside the magazine we reported on the acquisition by Simoco of ComGroup, the designer and distributor of Simoco-branded mobile radio terminals that had been acquired by Team Telecom Group and which was to be merged with the existing operations of Team Simoco. We also reported on Ansaldo STS winning a $2.5 million data communications contract from the Western Australia Police; the work was to expand the coverage area of the secure digital metropolitan radio network from 9000 to 20,000 square kilometres. And we profiled a system to track and monitor mining vehicles using a data recorder, GPS location data, an RF Innovations radio modem and communications link.

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