Entries open: 2024 International Critical Communication Awards
The Critical Communications Association (TCCA) has announced that the 2024 International Critical Communication Awards (ICCAs) are now open for entry. The Australasian Critical Communications Forum (ACCF), the local chapter of TCCA, is particularly keen for Australian and New Zealand critical comms users, organisations, and ACCF/TCCA members and associates to participate in the international awards program.
The ICCAs are some of the most prestigious awards in the critical communications sector, celebrating excellence and recognising products, organisations and individuals who have pushed boundaries and capabilities in the field. An expert panel of independent judges takes all aspects of entries into consideration and is looking to reward the best and most innovative work, both in terms of the technology itself and how it is being rolled out and used on the frontline.
Categories this year include:
- Best hybrid device
- Best MCX product or solution of the year
- Best TETRA product or solution of the year
- Best use of advanced technology (AI, UAV, situational awareness, etc)
- Best use of critical communications in industrial, manufacturing, mining resources, oil & gas exploration
- Best use of critical communications in public safety
- Best use of critical communications in transport
- Best use of critical communications in utilities
- Champion for social value
- Emerging technology, product or solutions (in development but not being used yet)
- Government authority collaboration
- TCCA young engineer of the year
- The Phil Kidner Award for an individual outstanding contribution to critical communications (named in honour of former TCCA CEO the late Phil Kidner)
The ICCAs ceremony will take place on the evening of 14 May in Dubai, with the event co-located with this year’s Critical Communications World — making it a premier night for networking. Attendees will enjoy a reception followed by dinner, and then the unveiling of the 2024 winners at the ceremony itself.
Entries will close on 12 February at 11 pm GMT (or 13 February at 10 am AEDT). For more information or to enter, visit https://www.critical-communications-world.com/iccas.
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