Firefighters wanted for coming summer in Victoria
Victorians from all walks of life are encouraged to apply for up to 300 project firefighters and forest and fire operations officers, with the state Labor government recruiting ahead of the upcoming bushfire season. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio announced the positions with Forest Fire Management Victoria, which will be based across regional Victoria.
Successful recruits will undertake emergency response, conduct planned burns, manage roadside vegetation, maintain access to forest trails and roads, and conduct pest and weed control. New recruits also take part in land management activities including caring for our state forests, recreation and tourism infrastructure and services to ensure Victorians can continue to enjoy open spaces.
Forest and Fire Operations Officer positions include field team leads, field operations supervisors and plant operations while the Project Firefighter roles include general firefighters, fire support officers and rappel crews — specialist crews that use helicopters to respond to fires on terrain that cannot be accessed with vehicles.
The employment of additional staff supports the government’s Advancing Forest Fire Management approach to delivering a 365-day/year fuel management program, including targeted burning, enhancing Victoria’s first attack capacity and capability to control and prevent fires.
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