Zetron's AcomEVO wins 'hot product' award
Zetron has won Public Safety Communications (PSC) magazine’s Hot Product Award for 2014. The award recognises the year’s most innovative public-safety communications products.
The award selection was based on recommendations provided by PSC’s team of experts at the 2014 APCO International Conference in New Orleans.
This is the sixth time in seven years Zetron has won the award
The award-winning solution was implemented at the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office in its Public Safety Centre. It is the first deployment in the industry to connect a radio dispatch console system to a P25 Phase-II infrastructure.
It is also the first implementation of a non-Motorola dispatch system using the CSSI to interoperate with a Motorola network.
“We’re very pleased to have again been recognised for the innovation of our products,” said Zetron VP of Product Management Kathy Broadwell. “The award this year shines a light on the importance of open standards and the critical role they play in helping us deliver the solutions that best meet our customers’ needs.”
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