India's TRAI issues consultation paper on railway radio
Indian Railways has proposed to install an ultrahigh-speed, LTE-based communication corridor along its network for train–ground and train–train communication.
In this connection Indian Railways has asked the country’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to reserve 15 MHz of spectrum in the 700 MHz band for the purpose. And to begin with, Indian Railways has asked for 10 MHz to be allocated free of cost since the proposal is devoid of any commercial gain, but will be used only for enhancing security and passenger amenities.
The DoT has requested the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to provide recommendations on administrative allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways and the quantum, price, appropriate frequency band (including 450–470 MHz band) and any other related issue.
In response, TRAI has released a consultation paper on the ‘Allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways for Public Safety and Security services’.
Written comments in response to the consultation paper are invited from stakeholders by 22 July and counter-comments by 5 August, and should be sent to
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