Spanish police receive Sepura TETRA

Wednesday, 28 March, 2018

Spanish police receive Sepura TETRA

New TETRA radios have been supplied to Spain’s Onda City Council police force by Sepura and its partners, Zenon Digital Radio and Adesal Telecom.

Onda is a town in Valencia, eastern Spain, with over 25,000 inhabitants to keep safe. The city council wanted to facilitate and accelerate the work of the local police and improve their efficiency.

In order to do this, the city council purchased new Sepura digital radios. The move to digital has connected the force to COMDES, the digital communications network offered by the Generalitat Valenciana to all organisations and fleets providing crime prevention and rescue services. This network uses TETRA technology, which avoids the saturation of conventional networks in case of emergency and, due to the encryption of signals, provides greater security.

“This government not only cares about providing local agents with all the necessary safeguards for their security, we also provide the right resources to improve and facilitate their work, to enable them to serve the citizens more efficiently,” said Local Police Councillor Mari Carmen Aguilella.

Miguel Ángel Izquierdo, Commissioner of the Onda Local Police, said, “Going forwards, each agent will have a personal radio and a system to provide a secure network that will never fail to work in case of emergency, which was an issue with the old analog terminals.”

According to Izquierdo, the new system will facilitate cost reductions and improve the operations of the police force through the use of shared control centres with other security and emergency bodies.

“The new telecommunication devices allow for interacting with other security forces as the situation requires, which ultimately benefits the work of the police,” he said.

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