Spectrum reform to drive innovation and productivity, says Turnbull
The federal government has announced that it will review current spectrum policy arrangements to ease the compliance burden on users and improve accessibility for new technologies.
The spectrum framework was last formally reviewed by the Productivity Commission in 2002.
In a statement, the Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, said it is time to take a comprehensive look at whether Australia’s spectrum policy and management framework remains fit for the digital age.
The government says the review is an important step in boosting innovation and productivity which, in turn, benefits the broader community.
The Department of Communications will conduct the review in conjunction with ACMA. The Department will finalise the report to the Minister in six to nine months.
As a first step, the Department is seeking stakeholder views on issues relating to the Terms of Reference by 20 June 2014. Further information, the Terms of Reference and list of issues for comment are available on the communications.gov website.
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