WAPOL coverage extended

Tuesday, 15 September, 2009

Motorola Australia is providing an extension of the mobile data system of the West Australian Police (WAPOL) and the Western Australia Department of Corrective Services (DCS) that will more than double the previous coverage area, providing the community with better-equipped police and prison officers.

The system, known as PEDI, covers close to 20,000 km2 - more than double the area of 9000 km2 covered by the previous system - and will supply 250 mobile radios and 1350 portable radios to the network.

The system will provide both prison and police officers with highly secure, whole-of-area voice communications. An enhanced level of digital encryption means officers can communicate with other officers and control headquarters without radio signals being scanned by unwanted parties.

Worth more than $25 million, PEDI also enables police to quickly and easily execute database searches on people, vehicles and places of interest, statewide.

Following the first-phase installation of 450 fixed, in-vehicle computers by the company, WAPOL personnel have already achieved shortened response times, reduced time spent clearing jobs and more available time on the road. The system also provides an officer with critical knowledge before he or she approaches a vehicle or premises of interest.

The initial implementation of the mobile data system used by WAPOL was vehicle-based and covered only the greater metropolitan Perth area; however PEDI will increase the mobile data coverage area to the whole state and use an additional 350 in-vehicle computers.

Over 200 handheld personal data devices will provide beat officers, mounted sections and other specialist groups with the same access and database tools as the vehicle-based officers.

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