Zetron CommandIQ mission-critical communications workstation
Zetron’s CommandIQ is a portable workstation designed for robust functionality in a compact unit that’s easy to store, transport and quickly activate to provide a fully operational workstation for Zetron Dispatch from anywhere connectivity is available.
The traditional audio handset combined with touchscreen operation gives it a mix of capability and mobility for applications where traditional or permanent operator workstations aren’t convenient, practical or necessary.
CommandIQ includes the ATOM E3845 Quad-Core processor to provide high-performance computing and graphics and is designed for high reliability with completely solid-state operation, with no processor fans or rotating storage.
CommandIQ’s small physical footprint enables it to easily fit in existing workstations without having to add furniture, yet provides full access to all of Zetron’s Dispatch system functionality. The unit easily fits into a drawer, hangs on a wall, sits on any flat surface or can be stored out of the way when not in use.
Phone: 07 3856 4888
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