Radio infrastructure for Danish Rail Net

Wednesday, 14 November, 2007

Zenitel has announced a radio infrastructure contract between Zenitel Denmark AS and BaneDanmark (Danish Rail Net).

Commencing on 1 January 2008, Zenitel Denmark will provide radio infrastructure, operations and maintenance services for Danish Rail Net ’s traffic information systems located on railway stations nationwide.

The contract is for a four-year period and covers BaneDanmark’s traffic information systems, monitors, loudspeakers and clocks (except S-train and local trains), and the connected IT systems and backup.

“Zenitel Denmark ’s proposal differentiated significantly from the tender’s other participants. It was influenced by innovative solutions and was also the tender that fulfilled the tender qualification requirements best,” IT operations manager Kim Remmer, BaneDanmark said.

“The radio infrastructure solution Zenitel has defined supports Danish Rail Net”s desire to supply traffic information of high quality to the train passengers nationwide. This field of expertise is especially important to us, and with this contract we strengthen among other things the quality through faster trial and error corrections and increased maintenance.”

Zenitel must be able solve problems nationwide within two hours from receiving a request.

For more information, visit

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