Anritsu tracking generator for Spectrum Master analysers

Friday, 01 June, 2012 | Supplied by: Anritsu Pty Ltd

Anritsu tracking generator for Spectrum Master analysers

Anritsu has introduced a tracking generator for its Spectrum Master MS2711E, MS2712E and MS2713E models that enhances the overall performance of the handheld analysers, while making it easier and faster for field technicians to conduct additional measurements.

With the tracking generator installed, the analysers can be used by service providers, R&D engineering, contractors, installers, public safety organisations and broadcast stations to conduct accurate measurements and improve efficiency when deploying, installing and maintaining networks.

The tracking generator is designed with a CW generator that covers a frequency range of 500 kHz to either 3 GHz (MS2711E), 4 GHz (MS2712E) or 6 GHz (MS2713E). The analysers with the tracking generator have an output power range of -50 to 0 dBm, and output flatness of ±1.0 dB (max), ±0.3 dB (typical). Nominal step size is 0.1 dB with the tracking generator installed in the analysers.

A power accuracy procedure has been included in the tracking generator that ensures accurate measurements are made. The user-enabled procedure removes inaccuracies caused by temperature variations, while enhancing overall output power flatness across the frequency band.

The generator has a user interface that is said to be user friendly and the touch screen uses images and graphics to visually guide the user on which parameter to enter and how to enter it, eliminating the complexity associated with some tests.

Phone: 03 9558 8177
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