Aeroflex 7000 series vector analyser generator

Tuesday, 08 December, 2009 | Supplied by: Cobham AvComm

Aeroflex has launched the 7000 series vector analyser generator, a single, fully integrated RF parametric test system for RF test of wireless components and subsystems.

The series combines both vector signal generation and vector signal analysis in a single box, allowing measurement of complex wireless standards, including LTE. The instrument features an intuitive touch-screen user interface.

Its modular, software-defined functionality provides a flexible, platform for technologies including LTE, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 3G/HSPA and WLAN.

Because both signal generation and analysis are integrated into the same instrument, it dispenses with the need for a separate signal generator and analyser. The platform also supports two independent signal generators, allowing it to be used for receiver sensitivity and blocking measurements, MIMO simulation and intermodulation testing of amplifiers, mixers and other wireless components.

The touch screen and user interface provide quick access to the full range of complex measurements.

The series has an operating frequency range of 1 MHz to 6 GHz, with a 90 MHz bandwidth for both generation and analysis, which together support multiple mobile and wireless broadband standards. Broader analysis bandwidths can also be addressed by intelligent ‘stitching’ of the spectrum.

Both the signal generator and the optional second generator have a typical phase noise level of 115 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 2 GHz carrier. The vector signal generator includes a library of standard waveforms emulating all the major mobile wireless standards, as well as an internal 2 GB arbitrary waveform generator with a waveform generation package that enables user-specific waveforms to be developed and played back.

In addition, user-generated waveforms from Matlab and similar packages may be entered and stored on the instrument for use in the AWG.

Phone: 0011 65 6873 0991
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