The AFJ Instruments FFT3300 test receiver is a compact receiver with a fully digital IF for measurement of radiated electromagnetic interference from 30 MHz to 3 GHz.
The product is based on a PC integrated architecture with WINDOWS 7 embedded operating system (external remote control via a PC is also available), which means that the receiver is ready to operate with already loaded advanced software. This enables the operator to set all parameters and set up the receiver in accordance with CISPR 16-1-1 or alternatively to tailor the parameters according to specific user needs.
Measurements to commercial EMI international, European and product standards can easily be carried out by comparing the EMI spectrum with the associated limit lines and switching on the appropriate detectors. The product is fitted with pre-selectors that allow good dynamic range and precise radiated emission measurements. It is compliant to CISPR 16-3 and is applied to the wideband IF signal with the fast scan mode. It is also possible to use the equipment in the standard receiver modes (SWEEP and SMART SWEEP).
Phone: 03 9390 4582
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