Agilent N9342C handheld spectrum analyser
The N9342C handheld spectrum analyser (HSA) is suitable for performing installation, maintenance and surveillance of RF systems in the field.
The instrument provides fast and accurate measurement of RF and microwave equipment and RF environments from 100 kHz to 7 GHz, tunable to 9 kHz. RF microwave equipment measurements include transmitter and component test, receiving path signal monitoring and antenna tuning. RF environment measurements include band clearance, signal coverage and interface hunting.
The Task Planner capability cuts test set-up time and automates routine measurement tasks. It provides a set of standard, one-button measurements including ACP, OBW and channel power, which help characterise signal quality.
The keypad allows access to most measurement functions within two button pushes. It has a rugged, fanless design and an ergonomic backpack provides hands-free operation.
With automatic LCD brightness and keypad backlight control, the screen can be viewed day or night and the device can be remotely controlled via a USB/LAN connection and its PC software.
Phone: 03 9566 1260
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