The Anritsu MS2712E is designed for technicians, installers, field radio frequency engineers and contractors to ensure users comply with regulatory requirements, manage and maximise efficiency, improve system uptime and increase revenue. It is available to rent.
The dynamic range is claimed to be better than 95 dB in 10 Hz RBW, enabling measurement of very small signals in the presence of much larger signals.
It can also be used to help users address challenges such as keeping track of the growing number of interfering signals and assessing signal quality on a wide range of increasingly complex signals.
Its features include: one-button measurement - ACPR, channel power, field strength, occupied BW, AM/FM/SSB demodulation; interface analyser; 6 GHz spectrum analyser; channel scanner; stores over 1000 traces and copies to PC later.
It can also be used in the most extreme weather conditions.
Phone: 1300 767 071
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