Bird SiteHawk and SignalHawk analysers
The three pocket-sized SiteHawk cable antenna analyser models cover 300 kHz to 200 MHz, 1 MHz to 4500 MHz and 20 MHz to 6 GHz. Fully self-contained, the units feature an intuitive interface that is readily accessible to the first-time user and minimises clicks for the expert. There is the ability to download results to USB, and each unit includes the Bird RF Meter App to perform power measurement using external sensors.
The SignalHawk family of handheld spectrum analysers provides functionality in a compact, affordable package. Highly portable, the analysers easily fit in one hand and have an intuitive touchscreen user interface. The SH-60S-TC RF analyser enables user to view RF signals between 9 kHz and 6 GHz, while the SH-60S-AOA RF analyser extends the capability of the SH-60S-TC by adding the ability to triangulate the location of an interferer on a map.
Phone: 1300 360 251
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