Cobham Auto-Test and Alignment Capabilities for Motorola APX 8000 radios
Cobham has released two automated test and alignment software applications to support the Motorola APX 8000 Radios.
The two software applications are available as options to both the 3920B Series Analog and Digital Radio Test Platform and the 8800 Series Digital Radio Test Set. Both applications fully automate APX 8000 radio testing and alignment. It also ensures optimum radio performance in less time while minimising service and support costs for end users and dealers.
The 3920B, with its low phase-noise RF signal generator, is the primary radio test system approved by Motorola for automated testing and alignment of the APX series of radios. The 3920B has undergone extensive testing and approval by the Motorola Continuing Product Engineering (CPE) group for the APX radio. The 8800S also offers APX testing and alignment capabilities while providing ‘pick up and go’ capabilities for field test applications.
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