Error rate tester

Tuesday, 08 January, 2008 | Supplied by: Electronic Development Sales Pty Ltd

With the addition of the G.703 interface pod option, the Aeroflex FB100A bit error rate tester can now check a wide range of standardised telecommunications interfaces (from T1 at 1.544 Mbps to STS-3 and STM-1 at 155.52 Mbps).

This improvement greatly increases the variety of equipment on which bit error rate measurements and noise/error characterisation can be made.

The pod enables the tester to provide a fully integrated test system for R&D and manufacturing that wasn't previously possible with the FB100A.

Adding the optional pod and optional noise generation capabilities to the FB100A, with its automatic and highly accurate carrier-to-noise-level calibration, gives users a test facility suitable for characterising error/noise performance.

Used to test a range of RF/IF modems and other equipment carrying digital data through standardised telecommunications interfaces, the tester reduces test system development time and decreases unit test times.

The FastBit G.702 interface pod has the same form factor as other pods - the HSSI and the telecom data. It features a full range of standard instrument tests and results, including automatic bit error rate measurements (versus carrier-to-noise) and frequency-tunable noise that ranges from 5 MHz to 2.4 GHz with selectable noise bandwidths. The pod uses a transmitter clock internal or receiver with a the frequency deviation of ±2000 ppm. The pod can operate in loop-back mode, T1/E1 balanced and unbalanced mode or monitor mode.

Phone: 02 9496 0500
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