Fluke Networks Network Time Machine with LTE troubleshooting solution
Fluke Networks’ Network Time Machine is an agile application-aware troubleshooting solution that provides rapid packet-level visibility in high-traffic environments. Network Time Machine with LTE is a carrier-grade solution that is designed to bridge the visibility gap for LTE network mobile operators.
Operators facing a massive explosion in application and data traffic are deploying LTE networks to satisfy consumer demand for better bandwidth and user experience. However, LTE networks create new troubleshooting challenges due to proliferation of IP-based voice and video and data applications in addition to signalling on multiple interfaces. Managing the modern mobile network also has to take into account user experience expectations on a myriad of applications.
Network Time Machine is scalable to effectively handle the operator’s load requirements - up to 20 Gbps sustained line rate capture-to-disk, and offers packet-level-based visibility when problems arise and a back-in-time view of how networks and servers are impacting the end-user experience.
It also enables rapid plug-and-play deployment with minimum set-up (it can be transported quickly and cost-effectively to a specified location as needed) and has the ability to quickly identify and solve network and subscriber performance issues, providing comprehensive capture and analysis as required by off-site engineers.
Phone: 02 8850 3333
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