LeCroy SPARQ multipurpose instrument
The LeCroy SPARQ (S-parameters Quick) signal integrity network analyser is a TDR/TDT-based analyser that measures 40 GHz, 4-port S-parameters with a single button press.
Fully calibrated measurements can be made in minutes and without any need to connect or disconnect cables to calibration kit standards or electronic calibration modules.
Features provide: S-parameter measurements up to four ports; measurements from DC to 40 GHz; one-button-press internal OSLT calibration; both frequency- and time-domain analysis; mixed-mode and single-ended simulation-ready S-parameters production; advanced de-embedding features; inherent TDR/TDT capability and preview modes for quick checks and debugging.
The analysers connect directly to the device-under-test and to PC-based software through a single USB connection for quick, multi-port S-parameter measurements.
The instrument is suitable for characterising multiport devices common in signal integrity applications; development of measurement-based simulation models; design validation; compliance testing; high-performance TDR; PCB testing; portable measurement requirements; high-bandwidth, multiport S-parameters.
SPARQ is affordable and simplifies measurements, making S-parameters accessible to all.
It is small and connects to any standard PC through a USB 2.0 interface.
Calibrated measurements are provided with a single connection to the device-under-test. It has built-in calibration standards enabling measurements to be made without multiple connection steps and removes the need for additional electronic calibration modules.
Included are all the hardware and software tools to make signal-integrity measurements. The tools include mixed-mode S-parameter conversion and port-renumbering, passivity, reciprocity and causality enforcement, and built-in time-domain views like impedance, rho, step response and impulse response.
The instrument can perform all tests currently made with TDR or VNA instruments including: impedance; return loss; impedance imbalance; insertion loss; crosstalk (near- and far-end); differential- to common-mode conversion; common- to differential-mode conversion; intrapair skew; voltage transfer functions; differential- and common-mode step response at input and output ports; mode conversion step response; both mixed-mode and single-ended measurements standard; risetime normalisation for all time-domain results; TDR and TDT mode.
Phone: 1300 360 251
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