Tektronix has announced the SA2600 handheld real-time spectrum analyser, which includes DPX waveform image processor technology that provides a live RF view of the spectrum.
DPX is now also available on the H600 RF Hawk handheld unit.
The analysers are designed to solve problems created by digital RF technologies from Wi-Fi to WiMAX to UWB and UMTS.
DPX waveform image processing provides a live RF view of the spectrum, enabling a signal discovery capability for a broad range of applications, including radio communications and spectrum management.
DPX transforms volumes of real-time data and produces a live RF spectrum display that reveals previously unseen RF signals and signal anomalies.
The analyser has a 10 kHz to 6.2 GHz frequency coverage, 20 MHz real-time bandwidth and -153 dBm displayed average noise level.
With a spectrum processing rate more than 100 times faster than any swept analyser, the SA2600 and H600 provide 100% probability of intercept for transients with minimum event durations of 500 µs on the SA2600 and 125 µs on the H600.
The models combine a spectrum analyser with an intuitive set of user controls, including a touch screen.
The SA2600 and H600 include integrated GPS and mapping tools.
Phone: 02 9911 3888
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