Orolia mRO-50 Ruggedised, miniaturised rubidium oscillator
Orolia has released an upgraded edition of its low SWaP-C miniaturised rubidium oscillator product line, the mRO-50 Ruggedised, to meet the latest military and aerospace requirements where time stability and power consumption are critical.
The mRO-50 Ruggedised provides a one-day holdover below 1 µs and a retrace below 1E-10 in a form factor (50.8 x 50.8 x 20mm) that takes up only 51 cm3 of volume and consumes 0.36 W of power.
The oscillator is claimed to provide accurate frequency and precise time synchronisation to mobile applications, such as military radio-pack systems in GNSS-degraded or denied environments. Its wide-range operating temperature of -40 to 80°C is suitable for underwater, military communications, radars, low earth orbit, electronic warfare, airborne and unmanned vehicles.
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