R&S FSV signal and spectrum analyser

Wednesday, 28 October, 2009 | Supplied by: Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd

Rohde & Schwarz has enhanced its R&S FSV signal and spectrum analyser family to handle measurements up to 40 GHz.

Options for noise figure and phase noise measurements are available for characterising components such as amplifiers and oscillators. For scalar network analysis, the FSV provides an internal tracking generator up to 7 GHz. Microwave generators can be connected to attain frequencies up to 40 GHz.

Like all members of the signal and spectrum analyser family, the instrument features good sensitivity, dynamic range and measurement speed. The low inherent noise of -139 dBm (1 Hz) at 40 GHz, combined with a +18 dBm third-order intercept, allows measurement of spurious emissions without inherent distortions at high sensitivity even at high signal levels.

The analyser measures a 1 GHz span at 1 kHz resolution bandwidth in 2.5 s.

Measurement speed with remote control is 1000 measurements/s. The touch screen and the on-screen keyboard make manual alignments easier.

The company is offering the FSV-K30 option for noise figure and gain measurements on receiver frontends, amplifier components and system modules. Adding this option makes an additional noise figure test assembly unnecessary.

The FSV-K40 option measures single sideband phase noise on oscillators. This means that a single instrument can determine the key parameters of an oscillator: output power, frequency and frequency stability.

Together, the FSV-B9 and -B10 options transform the FSV into a scalar network analyser. The internal FSV-B9 tracking generator covers the range from 100 kHz to 7 GHz. For higher frequencies, the analyser uses external signal generators as tracking generators that are connected via the -B10 option to measure two-port devices. This option also makes is possible to perform measurements on frequency-converting DUTs as well as measurements on frequency dividers and multipliers.

The FSV40, which covers up to 40 GHz, as well as the options for noise figure measurements (R&S FSV-K30), phase noise measurements (R&S FSV-K40), tracking generator (R&D FSV-B9) and external generator control (R&S FSV-B10) are all now available.

Online: www.rohde-schwarz.com.au
Phone: 02 8874 5100
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