Poseidon Scientific Instruments (PSI) has released the 5 MHz to 1 GHz receiver OR-102A for use with its ODIN-320A phase noise analyser. The receiver enables engineers to perform automated phase noise measurements at low frequencies on quartz crystal and surface acoustic wave (SAW) oscillators. Moreover, the residual noise of amplifiers, or any two port device, can be automatically measured in combination with PSI's upcoming delay line device.
The modular approach to additional frequency measurement capabilities delivers a versatile tool where users purchase only ranges that suit their requirements, knowing that expansion is possible at the price of an accessory.
By using two receivers, users can take advantage of ODIN's dual channel capability to further reduce the noise floor. Cross spectrum measurements enable ODIN to discard the noise in the measured signals that are not common to both receivers for applications where ultra low noise floor measurements are required, such as for premium SAW and quartz oscillators. Moreover, a baseband input is provided for direct measurement of signals from DC to 6.4 MHz.
With the external mixer connected to the baseband input, the receiver can be used to measure phase and amplitude noise at frequency ranges from DC to above 40 GHz.
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