Rohde & Schwarz 5G Release 16 TS-LBS test solution
Rohde & Schwarz and MediaTek have verified location based services (LBS) features for 5G NR as defined in 3GPP Release 16. These features are designed to not only improve emergency caller location, but also support upcoming LBS-related use cases in challenging indoor and outdoor environments with both satellite based and terrestrial technologies.
The collaboration is advancing LBS testing with the successful verification of 3GPP Release 16 positioning features on a 5G chipset from MediaTek using the R&S TS-LBS test system. The two companies verified the NR positioning reference signals, which are central to network-based positioning features, such as roundtrip time, time difference of arrival in uplink and downlink, or angle of arrival and departure, and which meet the 5G requirements for indoor and outdoor positioning use cases. With the new option for the test system supporting these features, mobile device and chipset manufacturers, test houses and network operators are able to carry out chipset and mobile device verification for GCF, PTCRB and network operator certification, using a single test solution.
The test system is for testing GNSS and network-based positioning. It consists of an R&S CMX500 OBT one-box signalling tester as the network simulator and an R&S SMBV100B GNSS simulator.
The R&S CMX500 OBT setup provides full network simulation capabilities including the support of multiple 4G or 5G cells at a time. In addition, it provides LBS assistance data to the DUT while the R&S SMBV100B simulates the GNSS satellites. The R&S TS-LBS test system can be used for R&D related pre-conformance tests and to obtain GCF and PTCRB certification as well as network operator specific certification acceptance and validated tests.
Phone: 02 8874 5100
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