Rohde & Schwarz ZNB vector network analyser family extended
The Rohde & Schwarz ZNB26 provides network analysis up to 26.5 GHz, while the R&S ZNB43 extends the upper frequency of the midrange VNA family to 43.5 GHz. With any network analyser, no matter how well a test set-up has been calibrated, there will still be a residual measurement uncertainty, which will vary according to settings such as the power level for the current test. Knowing the actual uncertainty under given test conditions is crucial. The analyser allows users to keep track of measurement uncertainty in real time, with integrated software options.
The ZNB43 is available as a 2- or 4-port model, with two connector types, either 2.4 or 2.92 mm. It also offers optionally an extended power range and a second internal source. The ZNB43 is suitable for characterisation of passive devices such as filters, couplers and switches. When equipped with the second internal source, it becomes a versatile instrument for measurements of active devices such as mixers and amplifiers.
For the ZNB network analyser family, a range of industry-wide accepted software tools for de-embedding in line with IEEE 370 are available as integrated options.
The ZNB family supports inline calibration units which remain connected to the device under test throughout the test period.
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