Viavi has announced the expansion of the Viavi ONT solution portfolio with the 800G Flex XPM module, an integrated test product for pluggable 800G transceivers that utilise 100G electrical lane speed, with integrated test applications. 800G represents the current peak of practical optical networking speeds and, as network traffic continues to surge, it is fast becoming part of operators’ upgrade plans.
Enterprises are accelerating technology modernisation plans and service providers are upgrading their networks and data centres with higher transport speeds, cloud-native architectures and machine learning. In preparation, industry groups are issuing 800G specifications, 800G-ready silicon is emerging and the optical networking ecosystem is readying 800G class modules.
The module provides a wide range of critical test and measurement capabilities that manufacturers need to design and validate 800G optical modules based on 100G electrical signalling. The module has been designed for IC development and validation test, 800G transponder testing and vendor selection, system verification test and manufacturing test. Key features include: support for 2x400GE, 8x100GE, 4x200GE and 1x800G unframed; dynamic skew; forward error correction (FEC) validation; and automation integration with the Viavi ONT family.
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