Viavi has released OneAdvisor-800, an all-in-one cell site tool that can be upgraded with the O-DU Emulation application to verify field deployment of O-RAN radios.
OneAdvisor-800 now provides capabilities for cell site deployment, including fibre inspection and characterisation, cable and antenna analysis and O-RAN radio verification.
It is a single, modular instrument to assist cell site technicians test fibre, radio frequency and common public radio interface, eliminating the need for multiple independent tools. The addition of the open distributed unit (O-DU) Emulation application further streamlines site verification and guards against future truck rolls by enabling functional testing of the open radio unit upon installation, rather than waiting until the O-DU is in place.
The technician’s work is simplified with guided workflows using job manager programming, the service provider’s test criteria and automatically uploading results to the StrataSync cloud.
Phone: 02 9416 0616
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