VIAVI T/Rx electromagnetic spectrum solution
The VIAVI T/Rx is a compact, lightweight, ruggedised system designed to provide users with the ability to sense, capture, replay, alter and train RF signals with precision and flexibility.
Intended to meet the needs of professionals operating in complex RF environments, commercial applications include RF environment monitoring and recording, RF generation for network stress and loading, interference detection and analysis, and spectrum deconfliction. Military applications include signal and electronic intelligence collection, electronic protection/support/attack and interference detection and analysis.
The modular hardware and software architecture allows the device to be configured for different RF environments, enabling ease of use and swift deployment in air, sea and land vehicles, backpacks and fixed installations. When coupled with the VIAVI Ranger system, a comprehensive test solution for live analysis or offline forensic RF post-processing, it allows users to adapt to changing RF environments and create a realistic, dynamic electromagnetic spectrum for any scenario.
The device was developed for complex RF problem-solving. Operators can easily understand and control the electromagnetic environment with a standalone system or with distributed emitters and sensors in larger areas of operation.
Highlights include: high-performance, modular, multichannel RF architecture; high-speed signal acquisition, processing and storage; real-time signal analysis and generation features; flexible signal recording and playback; SCA 4.1 eCo Suite Software Defined Radio Core Framework Environment; and an intuitive user interface for ease of use and scenario customisation.
Phone: 02 9416 0616
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