Wavecontrol SMP portable field monitoring system
Wavecontrol’s Portable Field Monitoring System SMP is designed to measure broadband emissions in the range 100 kHz to 8 GHz using the WPF8 broadband probe and also emissions specific to mobile telephone systems (GSM900, GSM1800, 3G and 4G) using the WPT mobile telephone probe.
SMP can sample the field level continuously and store the data in its internal memory, which can accommodate up to 64,000 samples. The stored data can be easily downloaded to a PC via a USB port for post processing.
The SMP integrates a multimeasurement system that enables the performance of instant measurements of the total field level; Ex, Ey and Ez separately; continuous measurements; arithmetic averaging; minimum and maximum values; and normative measurements.
The internal configurable alarm generates an audible signal when the measured level exceeds the adjustable threshold.
The SMP can be optionally equipped with an internal GPS module so the measured data can be associated to its location and displayed on a GIS application.
The measurements are performed according to the most recognised international standards (EU and ICNIRP) and recommendations related to the evaluation of the human exposure to the electromagnetic fields.
Phone: 03 9390 4582
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