u-blox automotive dead reckoning GPS receiver range
The NEO-6V GPS module and UBX-G6010-SA-DR single-chip GPS receiver have been released by u-blox.
ADR enables highly accurate positioning in areas of weak or no GPS satellite reception such as within tunnels and park houses. The products are suitable for first-mount as well as after-market navigation systems. Automotive- and standard-grade versions are supported.
The ADR component can be used in many sensor combinations such as inputs from two front, two rear, or all four wheels. Both gyro and wheel tick operation are supported.
When GPS satellites are out of sight such as within tunnels, the receiver extrapolates position based on distance and angle information provided by vehicle sensors. This results in accurate positioning even when the GPS signal is impaired or absent. It allows full coverage in indoor car parks, tunnels and underpasses and eliminates the impact of multipath effects in urban canyon environments.
Phone: 02 9550 6600
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