The TEK-6000 is a custom-designed fanless Atom-based vehicle PC with a full range of interfaces. Incorporating a Sierra Wireless MC8790V 3.5G module, GPS, Wi-Fi, 2.5" SATA hard drive and CompactFlash, it is suitable for AVL (automatic vehicle location) and many other in-vehicle applications. Operating from 6-36 VDC it also has power on/off delay control and low-voltage detection. A range of optional accessories is available including IP65 housing, an 8.4" digital monitor and smart battery UPS kit.
Phone: 03 8669 1210
u-blox UBX-M10150-CC GNSS chip for wearable applications
u-blox's UBX-M10150-CC GNSS is an ultralow-power GNSS chip that offers a combination of small...
Quectel YFNF915F3AM and YFNF868F3AM LoRa antennas
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u-blox PointPerfect GNSS correction service with RTCM data format
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