Powerco’s DMR Tier III network
New Zealand's largest private DMR network is helping Powerco keep the lights on for more than 330,000 homes, businesses and organisations across the North Island. [ + ]
Convergence as the new standard for critical comms
The internet has long been labelled the 'network of networks', for its ability to seamlessly transmit data across a myriad of devices and networks — both local and global — using Internet Protocol. [ + ]
Better coverage, faster response
An efficient new digital emergency alerting system has gone live in Iowa in the United States. [ + ]
VE-PG4 — Seamless Solution: Radio + IoT+ Multi-Protocol
At the Comms Connect Melbourne 2018 event, Icom (Australia) showcased a number of new demonstration units that it is working to bring out in the coming months. [ + ]
Comms for China's pipeline lifeline
A Hytera-provided radio communications system is helping to keep the world's longest gas pipeline running smoothly. [ + ]
Crisis-proven alerting
Today's paging technology offers the coverage and resilience of a large, shared network with individual control by user organisations. [ + ]
RF models expected to improve with new built environment data
Mobile and fixed wireless broadband networks provide the backbone for communicating voice, text and data, yet accurate RF modelling remains a challenge for the telecommunications industry. [ + ]
BYOC: resilient coverage anywhere for first responders
Until recently, LTE has been used a supplementary mobile broadband technology in the public safety sector to provide non-mission critical bandwidth for data applications unable to be delivered over existing narrowband LMR, P25 or Tetra systems. [ + ]
Comm Systems — Moolart Well case study
Regis Resources Ltd, a gold production and exploration company that manages mines all over Australia and Africa, saw the need to improve and set the foundations for future communication across one of their Western Australia mines. [ + ]
Hytera's Sepura acquisition complete
The acquisition of Sepura by Hytera has seen innovation boosted, while maintaining the same level of customer support and service. [ + ]
A new WAVE of communication for the mining sector
Australia's mining sector is showing continued signs of resurgence marked by increased employment and more stable commodity prices. [ + ]
From radio to broadband — the fundamental needs for mission critical performance
First responders have long relied on land mobile radio communication to manage their daily responsibilities safely and efficiently. [ + ]
It’s time for next generation PTT
Telstra LANES® offers a robust, ready-made solution to public safety's need for a national mission-critical data service. [ + ]
Swissphone presents the newest solutions for public safety
Swissphone is a leading provider of alerting and communication solutions for public safety organisations.
[ + ]Mingara Australasia wins innovation award
Mingara Australasia was recently announced as a joint recipient of the 2016 Queensland Premier's iAward for Public Sector Innovation for their work on the Government Wireless Network (GWN). [ + ]