AFL Micro-Tactical Fibre Optic Cable
01 November, 2018The AFL Micro-Tactical Fibre Optic Cable combines the ruggedness of military tactical cable designs with the ultra-high fibre density of AFL's micro-cable technology.
Adept Direct Extra Heavy Duty cable roller stand
03 February, 2015The Adept Direct Extra Heavy Duty cable roller stand will handle large cable rolls up to 1.5 m dia. and has a safe working load of 150 kg.
Harwin Datamate three-row connector
27 November, 2012Harwin has introduced an addition to the Datamate range of connectors - a high-rel, high-density, three-row connector.
Microlab JP/JR/JS jumper cable range
02 November, 2012Microlab has extended its range of JP/JR/JS series jumper cables.
Microlab BK-28N Wi-Fi/WiMAX combiner range
14 August, 2012Microlab has released a range of Wi-Fi and WiMAX combiners: BK-28N.
Gore Phaseflex 18 GHz cable assembly
08 June, 2012An 18 GHz cable assembly has been added to the Gore Phaseflex microwave/RF test assemblies range.
Canare BCP-B 75 Ω BNC connector range
06 February, 2012Canare has released a range of 75 Ω BNC connectors designed to offer good 3 GHz performance.