Satellite mission control centre for Adelaide
Adelaide-based nanosatellite company Fleet Space Technologies has secured a Future Jobs Fund grant to construct a new mission control centre in the South Australian capital.
The ‘Mission Control South Australia’ project will create 17 ongoing jobs in IT and advanced manufacturing, more than doubling Fleet Space’s current staff numbers. Five additional jobs will be created during construction.
The $500,000 Future Jobs Fund grant will be matched by a $500,000 investment in the facility from Fleet Space Technologies, with new positions created to include mission operators, network operations specialists and technical support staff.
The Future Jobs Fund grant means the company can construct and run a mission control centre in Adelaide using local, in-house employees, and staff the centre 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Fleet Space Technologies is currently engaged in multiple projects across the globe. The first of Fleet’s planned constellation of 100 nanosatellites is set to be launched this year.
“While we have global ambitions, it is important to us that we continue to contribute to our local economy as we scale. This grant enables us to create technical jobs that will grow the space industry here in Adelaide,” said Fleet Space Technologies CEO Flavia Tata Nardini.
“South Australia is extremely well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that a space industry will bring and, thanks to ongoing support from the state government, we look set to do so.”
“This Future Jobs Fund grant means that instead of outsourcing mission control services overseas, these highly skilled jobs can be created here in Adelaide,” added South Australia’s Treasurer, Tom Koutsantonis,
“This is a fantastic project that will strengthen South Australia’s bourgeoning space industry and attract the best and brightest to our state.”
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