Supply agreement

Tuesday, 31 July, 2007

Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) has signed a supply agreement with broadcast services provider, Broadcast Australia.

The master purchase agreement promises to streamline supply of RFS's leading-edge broadcast solutions across the Broadcast Australia group of companies. Allowing the companies to conduct business with unrivalled levels of flexibility both within Australia and overseas, the agreement facilitates the application of RFS broadcast technologies at both Broadcast Australia-owned and third-party sites.

The official signing ceremony was attended by RFS president, Stéphane Klazyngier, Broadcast Australia managing director, Graeme Barclay, and RFS Asia Pacific South chief executive officer and president Broadcasting, Towers and Defence, Martyn Kemel.

Wide-ranging flexibility in the way the two companies can do business forms the heart of the new agreement. It supports a range of potential commercial relationships, including with Broadcast Australia itself, or with its various subsidiaries, such as The Bridge Networks, and The Bridge Networks New Zealand (formerly Telequipment of Wellington).

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