Industry News
Improving performance of wireless communications
Researchers at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) in the US and Motorola's Advanced Technology Center are developing three-dimensional switches and tiny fuel cells to improve the reception quality and extend the operating time for wireless communications and other wireless sensing devices.
[ + ]Navigation tool offers virtual world for the blind
Researchers at the University of Rochester have created a navigational assistant that can help inform visually impaired people of their whereabouts, or even bring new dimensions to museum navigation or campus tours for sighted individuals.
[ + ]Changes proposed for amateur radio operators
A review designed to simplify arrangements for amateur radio licence operators has been launched by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA).
[ + ]Tiny nanotube antennas may yield better signals
In the future, mobile phone calls and television pictures could become a lot clearer thanks to tiny antennas thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair. At least that's the speculation of a University of Southern California researcher who has been investigating nanotube transistors.
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