Power Parameters UNI-T UT500 insulation tester range
24 October, 2011 | Power Parameters Pty Ltd
The UNI-T UT500 series of battery-powered, insulation testers is available as 1000 V max (model 501) and 2500 V max (model 502). The instruments are characterised by compact size (150 x 100 x 71 mm) and a large, back-lit display measuring 71 x 34 mm.
Amber Technology XL2 handheld audio analyser
21 October, 2011 | Amber Technology Limited
The XL2 handheld audio analyser has a combination of sound level meter, acoustic analyser and powerful audio analyser.
ICP Electronics I-8212W/I-8213W GSM/GPRS modules
20 October, 2011 | ICP Electronics Australia
The I-8212W and I-8213W industrial quad-band GSM/GPRS modules have optional GPS function (I-8213W only).
Richardson RFPD 506WLC ultra-broadband inductor series
19 October, 2011 | Wireless Components
Richardson RFPD has been selected by American Technical Ceramics as the globally exclusive distributor for the 506WLC series of ultra-broadband inductors that have been engineered with a powdered iron ferrite core and gold-plated terminations to provide performance beyond 40 GHz.
Tektronix DPO/DSA70000D oscilloscope series
18 October, 2011 | TekMark Australia Pty Ltd
Four DPO/DSA70000D series oscilloscope models with real-time sampling rates up to 100 GS/s on two channels and 33 GHz analog bandwidth on four channels have been released.
Pacific Wireless Communications Merlan P25 internet connectivity
17 October, 2011 | Pacific Wireless Communications Pty Ltd
The Merlan P25 is a method for law enforcement agencies to instantly create wide-area AES/DES encrypted P25 radio communications networks - anywhere.
Lecroy WaveJet 100 to 500 MHz oscilloscopes
17 October, 2011 | element14
The Lecroy WaveJet family of 100 to 500 MHz oscilloscopes has a big, bright 7.5″ display, long 500 kpts/ch memory and up to 2 GS/s to easily capture and see every detail of a waveform.
Panorama Antennas GPSB series shark fin antenna
15 October, 2011 | Panorama Antennas Pty Ltd
The multifunction combination panel-mount GPSB series antenna is suitable for any public or private fleet tracking/multi-technology communication system.
Peltor DECT-Com II radio system
14 October, 2011 | Pacific Wireless Communications Pty Ltd
Peltor’s DECT-Com II radio system delivers full duplex intercom communication for up to nine members in digital privacy.
Vertex VX-450 portable/VX-4600 mobile radio range
14 October, 2011 | Vertex Standard (Australia) Pty Ltd
A series of portable two-way radios suitable for users looking for a means of efficient coordination to maintain productivity, job-site safety and responsiveness to production problems or injuries has been released.
Alpha EF-6850HF liquid soldering flux
14 October, 2011 | Active Components (Aust) Pty Ltd
Alpha has launched EF-6850HF liquid soldering flux, a halogen-free, low solids, alcohol-based, no-clean flux formulated for use in Sn-Pb and Pb-free applications on both standard and thicker, high-density PCBs.
Icom IC-440N 80-channel UHF CB transceiver
14 October, 2011 | Icom Australia Pty Ltd
The release of the IC-440N 80-channel UHF CB transceiver will see the unit be compatible with the new 80-channel CB network.
Aeroflex 3920 radio test set
13 October, 2011 | Vicom Australia Pty Ltd
The Aeroflex 3920 radio test set automatic test and alignment software option now supports Motorola’s APX7000 and APX7500 mobile radios.
MiMOMax security options
13 October, 2011 | MiMOMax Wireless Ltd
While all MiMOMax radio units already have a suite of security features, additional security options are now available to further prevent inadvertent or deliberate network disruption.
Narda Safety Test Solutions Interference and Direction Analyser
12 October, 2011 | Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH
Detect, analyse and localise interference and signal with the Interference and Direction Analyser (IDA) from Narda Test Solutions.