MiMOMax Wireless quad-array loop Yagi antenna
01 March, 2010 | MiMOMax Wireless Ltd
MiMOMax Wireless has released a quad-array loop Yagi antenna as an alternative to its compact loop Yagi antenna. Like the compact loop, the quad-array can transmit both horizontally and vertically polarised MiMO signals.
Richardson Electronics SL1203A external GPS antenna
01 March, 2010 | Wireless Components
An external GPS antenna, the Richardson Electronics SL1203A simplifies RF front-end design and device integration for GPS receivers.
Infiniium 90008 series low-profile oscilloscope/digitisers
01 March, 2010 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
Agilent has expanded its digital storage oscilloscope and digitiser portfolio with three new low-profile models in the Infiniium 90008 series.
Symena Capesso LTE
01 March, 2010 | TeleResources Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd
Symena has released Capesso LTE to eight of 10 LTE equipment vendors for use in designing the next generation of radio networks.
Huber+Suhner Sencity Spot-S small planar antennas for Wi-Fi
01 March, 2010 | Huber+Suhner Aust Pty Ltd
Sencity Spot-S is a generation of small planar antennas for Wi-Fi.
ASD Thincore range of waveguide isolators and circulators
01 March, 2010 | ASD Technology Pty Ltd
ASD has introduced the Thincore range of waveguide isolators and circulators designed for point-to-point base station application with ultra compact size and reliable performance.
CRS Accessories Bluetooth
01 March, 2010 | CRS Accessories
CRS Accessories Bluetooth has a 10 h talk time, a 10 m range from paired radio, a high-impact casing and Kevlar reinforced cable strands and can be used with all of the company’s earpieces as well as heavy-duty headsets, throat mics and vehicle hands-free equipment.
SmartPlex models 782 10900 (BTS) / 782 10901 dual-band combiners
01 March, 2010 | Maser Technology Group
The SmartPlex models 782 10900 (BTS)/782 10901 (ANT) are a compact series of intelligent multiprotocol dual-band combiners covering the frequency ranges 380-960 MHz and 1710-2690 MHz while providing a low insertion loss and allowing high input power. They can be powered either via a CCU or a BTS.
Aeroflex SMART^E 5300 general-purpose DC to 40 GHz device
01 March, 2010 | Cobham AvComm
Aeroflex has introduced the SMART^E 5300, a general-purpose DC to 40 GHz device that tests, monitors and controls any device under test within a single test environment.
Wintec WGT-168 GPS microphone
22 February, 2010 | CRS Accessories
CRS Accessories has available the Wintec WGT-168 GPS microphone that integrates smart GPS features and transmits data through two-way communications.
CRS HDSMCOMWP wireless PTT speaker/microphone
22 February, 2010 | CRS Accessories
CRS Accessories has released the HDSMCOMWP wireless PTT speaker/microphone.
CRS Accessories heavy-duty, noise-cancelling headset
22 February, 2010 | CRS Accessories
CRS Accessories has released a heavy-duty, noise-cancelling headset which allows the user to choose either an earmuff PTT or inline PTT.
Zetron series 4000 communication control system
11 February, 2010 | Zetron Australasia Pty Ltd
The Jackson Parish 9-1-1 communication centre in the US is now using Zetron’s series 4000 communication control system that employs not only an EF Johnson radio to enhance interoperability among different radio types, but also ties into Louisiana’s Project 25 system.
Rohde & Schwarz software-defined radio
11 February, 2010 | Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd
Following a commission by the German armed forces, Rohde & Schwarz has developed a software-defined radio operating in the UHF and VHF bands (30 to 512 MHz).
Simoco SRM9000 mobile radios
11 February, 2010 | Simoco Wireless Solutions Pty Ltd
The Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio has evolved to address the needs of diverse markets from simple voice to advanced system applications.