WBA OpenRoaming aims for one global network
29 May, 2020The WBA OpenRoaming federation service will enable billions of devices to automatically link to millions of networks globally.
Spectrum sharing via machine learning
28 May, 2020A machine learning formula developed by NIST could help 5G wireless network operators efficiently share communications frequencies.
Nokia achieves fast 5G with 800 MHz of spectrum
28 May, 20205G speeds of up to 4.7 Gbps were achieved by combining eight 100 MHz channels on the 28 and 39 GHz bands, and 40 MHz of LTE spectrum.
Private cellular networks growing in popularity
21 May, 2020Private cellular network operators are a growing threat to traditional telcos, says tech market advisory firm ABI Research.
FCC issues order on rules for 800 MHz private LMR
20 May, 2020The FCC has issued an Order on Reconsideration regarding technical rules for coordinating interstitial channels in the 800 MHz band.
Government sets objectives for 850 and 900 MHz bands
11 May, 2020The federal government has released policy objectives for allocation of the 850 and 900 MHz bands, which aim to support 4G, 5G and a future PSMB capability.
Getting the most out of spectrum resources
11 May, 2020 by Corey Weir, Chairman, RFUANZThe RFUANZ is encouraging all users of radio spectrum to take heed of the opportunities provided by dynamic spectrum access proposals, Corey Weir writes.
Nokia, VHA trial NR 700 MHz for 5G in Australia
05 May, 2020Nokia and Vodafone Hutchison Australia have undertaken what they say is the first live test deployment of 5G on low-band 700 MHz spectrum in the region.
New appointment to TCCA's CCBG
05 May, 2020Luz Fernández del Rosal has been appointed the Vice-Chair of TCCA's Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG).
Adjusting to the 'new normal'
04 May, 2020 by Hamish Duff, President, ARCIAARCIA has been assisting members and the wider industry with advocacy on licence renewal relief, membership extensions and changes to events, Hamish Duff says.
Electron effect produced with photons
29 April, 2020Researchers have produced a synthetic Hall effect that boosts radio signal strength in one direction, while stopping and absorbing signals in the other direction.
Cross-technology comms for the IoT
22 April, 2020Researchers have developed a framework that enables different wireless technologies to communicate directly with each other.
Accurate measurements for 5G communications
20 April, 2020New NIST testbeds are helping to define how 5G communications will safely interact with other technologies such as 4G, GPS, Wi-Fi and radar.
JVCKENWOOD receives certifications for public service sectors
17 April, 2020JVCKENWOOD has received ISO/IEC certification for information security management and Japanese industrial certification for its public service sector businesses.