Industry > Associations, organisations, research & development

ACMA calls for feedback

31 January, 2018

The ACMA is undertaking substantial stakeholder consultation as it designs and then settles on a new equipment rules framework.

Clear path for mm waves and 5G

30 January, 2018

A European consortium has delivered tools for the design optimisation of mm-wave solutions for 5G.

Ofcom releases more auction details

30 January, 2018 by Jonathan Nally

The UK regulator has published more details regarding regulations for the award of spectrum in the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands.

Zetron joins ICCRA

29 January, 2018

The International Critical Control Rooms Alliance (ICCRA) has welcomed Zetron as a new member.

Backhaul: the industry 25 and 10 years ago (January 2018)

29 January, 2018 by Jonathan Nally

We look back to when 'Made in Oz' was still the norm, and how the need for new talent has been an ever-present problem.

Hot, sunny days could slow 5G

23 January, 2018

Tests at 60 GHz show 5G could see losses of more than 15% on sunny days.

NZ restarts backhaul services study

22 January, 2018

New Zealand's Commerce Commission has announced that it is recommencing its study into domestic telecommunication backhaul services.

Satellite mission control centre for Adelaide

18 January, 2018

A $500,000 government grant will help Fleet Space Technologies build a control centre for its 100-nanosatellite constellation.

Quantum radio for better indoor comms

12 January, 2018

Digitally modulated VLF magnetic signals could usher in a new era of comms and location finding.

NIST releases LTE security guide

11 January, 2018

NIST's Guide to LTE Security is intended to assist those evaluating, adopting and operating LTE networks.

Opening up 5G

08 January, 2018 by Marc Cohn, Vice President of Network Strategy, The Linux Foundation

SDN/NFV will help achieve the vision of a truly converged, next-generation mobile infrastructure.

Season's greetings

21 December, 2017 by Jonathan Nally

We'd like to wish you a safe and merry Christmas, and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.

ACMA launches new spectrum auction

30 November, 2017

Capacity in the 1800 MHz, and 2, 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands will be auctioned to boost mobile broadband capability.

NSW's CCEP pilot nears completion

28 November, 2017 by Jonathan Nally

NSW's Critical Communications Enhancement Program pilot project in north-western NSW is almost complete.

Standards and spectrum for international mobile telecommunications

27 November, 2017 by François Rancy, Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau

ITU standards development for IMT-2020 is well underway, along with the associated spectrum management aspects.

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