Transmit upconverter
06 April, 2009 byASD Technology has released the S-band transmit upconverter from Orban Microwave Products.
Frequency doubler
01 April, 2009 byASD has announced the frequency doubler MAX2M0714N01U that produces an output of +23 dBm from 13,500 to 14,500 MHz with an input harmonic rejection of -20 dBc typical.
Planar cores
27 May, 2005Epcos has developed improved planar cores for DC/DC converters based on ferrite materials for power applications.
Ultra-broadband downconverters
26 October, 2004The DC-0.8/18-70/140/160 and DC-0.5/20-70/140/160-SP are high performance ultra-broadband 2 Hz steps agile downconverters. These downconverters accept RF signals from 0.8-18 GHz and 0.5-20 GHz, respectively, and provide one selectable IF output of either 70, 140 or 160 MHz and one L-band output at 1200 MHz.