Agilent integrates electromagnetic simulation into Genesys EDA platform
05 September, 2007 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
Agilent Technologies has announced Momentum GX, an industry-proven planar 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulator designed to significantly expand the accuracy and range of passive circuit libraries, including parasitic models and entire circuits.
Wireless LAN access point
05 September, 2007 | Paqworks
The AdsTec rugged WLAN access point is based on the latest technologies available. Supporting all wireless standards such as 802.11a/b/g and transmitting on frequencies 2.4 or 5 GHz data communication, it has a range up to 30 km.
Bridge routers
05 September, 2007 | Wave1 Pty Ltd
Wave1's latest 5.8 GHz wireless bridge router with data rates up to 108 Mbps has data throughput via full/half duplex 10/100Base-T, operating in the class licence 5.8 GHz band.
GPS satellite tracker
05 September, 2007 | GeoSystems Ltd
Trimble has released a battery-operated GPS satellite tracking device for budget conscious fleet owners, bus companies and trucking companies - and even consumers who just want to keep track of their teenage children borrowing the family car.
Wireless speaker-microphone
05 September, 2007 | Defcon Technologies
FreeMic has been released following the launch of FreeMotion, claimed to be the world's first secure wireless headset for two-way radios. Both devices use 'near field magnetic communications' that uses the magnetic field component of radio waves to create a small communications 'bubble' that envelops the personal space of the radio user.
Wireless meter monitoring
05 September, 2007 | Halytech Pty Ltd
Halytech has released a utility meter monitoring system suitable for industries such as water, gas, electricity and many other types of meters.
Communications software
03 August, 2007 | Measurement Innovation Pty Ltd
The 8920 RF comms test set software adds PC connectivity by providing screen capture, cable fault location and many other capabilities essential for the installation and maintenance of two-way radio systems.
Portable oscilloscopes
03 August, 2007 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
Agilent has introduced six oscilloscopes that are claimed to break the paradigm of portable instrumentation.
TX3440 - GME UHF Radio
03 August, 2007 | GME Pty Ltd
The TX3440 is a complete new design with all the controls and display screen incorporated into the microphone. Designed and built entirely in Australia, this model again sets the standard offering a most comprehensive list of features and specifications.
Amplified noise module
03 August, 2007 | ASD Technology Pty Ltd
NoiseWave has enhanced the NW10G-M amplified noise module to feature broadband frequency coverage from 10 MHz to 10 GHz.
USB RF/Microwave Power Sensors up to 24 GHz
03 August, 2007 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
Agilent's new U2000 Series USB power sensors measure true average power from RF and microwave devices and make set-up fast and simple by providing plug-and-play USB connectivity and by eliminating the need for a separate power meter.
SMB100A Signal Generator
03 August, 2007 | Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd
The SMB100A provides RF characteristics that are exceptional in its class, making it an excellent general-purpose instrument.
TRMS multimeter
03 August, 2007 | Power Parameters Pty Ltd
The APPA 79 digital multimeter has been released and features 4000 count, 82 segment digital-analog, backlit display and RS232 optical interface.
PCI oscilloscopes
03 August, 2007 | National Instruments Aust Pty Ltd
The PCI-5152 general-purpose digitiser converts a desktop PC into a full-featured oscilloscope and offers a 2 GS/s real-time sampling rate on one channel or a 1 GS/s real-time sampling rate on two simultaneous channels.
Bubbler depth measurement
03 August, 2007 | McLean Automation
The Bubbler is a radio licence-exempt wireless liquid level monitoring system for up to four remote dams/bores/rivers/tanks at separate locations within a 5 km range.