A critical time for Australia's comms ecosystem
Australia's public safety communications ecosystem urgently needs to be officially recognised as critical infrastructure in order to secure its future. [ + ]
Worker safety near radio transmitters
An understanding of RF hazards and associated safe work practices is essential for anyone who works on or near radio transmitters. [ + ]
Planning for Australia's connectivity during natural disasters
Authorities must include network technology that can provide failover or fast pop-up options for connectivity during disasters. [ + ]
Online workshops: microwave, comms, antennas
Comms Connect is running a series of online workshops and masterclasses from June to August, following the postponement of face-to-face conferences. [ + ]
WBA OpenRoaming aims for one global network
The WBA OpenRoaming federation service will enable billions of devices to automatically link to millions of networks globally. [ + ]
Spectrum sharing via machine learning
A machine learning formula developed by NIST could help 5G wireless network operators efficiently share communications frequencies. [ + ]
Comms industry input to the 'Bushfires' Royal Commission
Communications and disaster management experts have outlined steps that should be taken to improve Australia's mission-critical communications environment. [ + ]
Canberra provides $37.1m emergency comms boost
The federal government has announced funding of $37.1 million to improve communications resilience during natural disasters, including satcoms and more backup power. [ + ]
NSW Critical Communications Enhancement Program update
The NSW Telco Authority has continued to roll out the CCEP during the COVID-19 outbreak, with 50 sites operational and hundreds more under design or construction. [ + ]
Getting the most out of spectrum resources
The RFUANZ is encouraging all users of radio spectrum to take heed of the opportunities provided by dynamic spectrum access proposals, Corey Weir writes. [ + ]
The critical need to accelerate PSMB deployments globally
Countries can quickly deploy mission-critical broadband networks if they choose the right operating models and the right incentives, says PSN's Jason Karp. [ + ]
Adjusting to the 'new normal'
ARCIA has been assisting members and the wider industry with advocacy on licence renewal relief, membership extensions and changes to events, Hamish Duff says. [ + ]
Ultra-low power Wi-Fi connectivity for IoT devices
New Wi-Fi technology can transmit data at 2 megabits per second over a range of up to 21 metres using just 28 microwatts of power. [ + ]
Electron effect produced with photons
Researchers have produced a synthetic Hall effect that boosts radio signal strength in one direction, while stopping and absorbing signals in the other direction. [ + ]
Comms Connect update — tackling the challenges
We're taking steps to continue providing the best options for the Comms Connect delegate, sponsor and exhibitor family. [ + ]